Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para hang up en español


hang up verb

unfavorite favorite

Ejemplos de uso de
hang up verb

  • He acted very rudely and hung up on me in the middle of our conversation.

hang verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
hung, has hung, is hanging, hangs
caer (dícese de las telas y la ropa); colgar, tender, suspender; flotar, sostenerse en el aire; ser ahorcado; inclinarse

Ejemplos de uso de
hang verb

  • He hung the painting on the wall.
  • We hung paper lanterns from the trees.
  • Let's hang a picture on the wall.
  • My grandmother used to hang the wash on a clothesline.
  • A photograph of her family hangs on the wall.
  • Several of her paintings are hanging in the Museum of Modern Art.
  • Your coat is hanging in the closet.
  • They plan to hang wallpaper in the hallway.
  • He let his arm hang down into the water.
  • They will hang him in the county jailhouse.
  • He was hanged for his crimes.

Sinónimos de
hang verb

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Traducción inversa para hang up

colgar  - to hang (up), to put up, to hang (someone), to hang up (a telephone), to fail (an exam)